BLE-T Division 622

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Employee Assistance Program
Jan 30, 2024

What Is the EAP?

The Employee Assistance Program is known for helping with depression and substance problems, but did you know that the EAP offers so much more? EAP services cover a variety of issues with confidential support and resources to balance your life, navigate challenges, and enhance your wellbeing. Wherever you are in life, the EAP is here for you.

This coverage is free to you. 

It Doesn't Need to be a Crisis to Call. The majority of individuals who contact the EAP are facing everyday life challenges. If you or a family member would like someone to talk with during a time of need, call the BNSF EAP+ Work/Life Program at 800-383-2327. 


What Types of Services Are Offered?

All employees can access no-cost counseling sessions (up to five sessions per situation or concern) through either local providers or through the convenience of virtual video or telephonic sessions.

Note that this is not five sessions per year; you could have five sessions for one situation, then five more for another concern.

Areas where the EAP can offer support:

  • Stress management

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Improving personal and work relationships

  • Alcohol and substance abuse

  • Grief and loss

  • Thriving through change

A Work/Life Specialist will assist you with locating caregivers, legal/financial assistance, and a full range of other resources to help you juggle work/life demands. 

In addition, your no-cost resources include:

Assessment and referral to counseling resources

  • In-person, telephone-based text or videoconferencing sessions with a licensed counselor

  • Telephone-based legal consultation

  • Childcare and eldercare location services

  • Extensive database of resources, tools and webinars designed to help support you to be successful at work and at home.


EAP-No-cost Counseling, Help for Life Challenges and Crisis Support 800-383-2327

We all experience personal challenges at one time or another. The BNSF Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps employees and family members identify and resolve personal and workplace concerns to enhance quality of life, performance and safety. This resource will assist you in mapping a path through the challenges you face.


Who Is Eligible? When Can I Use It?

EAP is available to you and your spouse/domestic partner, dependent children, parents and parents- in-law. For your convenience, your EAP team is available 24/7 at 800-383-2327.

Did you know that the BNSF enhanced Employee Assistance Program, EAP+Work/Life, also provides comprehensive benefits for you and your dependents while you are furloughed? More information on this and other topics of interest to furloughed employees can be found on the Labor Relations Home Page.


What About My Privacy? Your privacy is protected.

All interactions employees have with the EAP whether by phone or in person - are strictly confidential within the limits specified by law. Records or notes remain within EAP and do not become part of an employee's personnel file. Employee name, records and other identifying information are NOT shared with BNSF without employee knowledge and a signed release. No information is shared without your written consent.


How Do I Use the EAP?

Need to talk? Reach out any time of the day or night to the EAP at 800-383-2327 or Contact your local EAP Manager Eugenia Vasquez directly by phone: (720) 930-7334, or by email: We are always here for you and your family.


You can also access the website.

Visit > Benefits > EAP+Work/Life or call 800-383-2327 to find out how this program can help as you face everyday challenges. The EAP+Work/Life Website provides many articles about stress management, personal growth, financial issues and other topics. 


EAP also offers a mobile app for added convenience.

Just search for "Health Advocate" in your chosen app store. You will need to register for an account. Your account is not linked to your work B # & password. The registration process will ask for your employer, then under BNSF, select "Union Employee."


If you need any assistance, please contact your local EAP Manager Eugenia Vasquez directly at (720) 930-7334 or EAP service representative at 800-383-2327.


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